Bullwhip - Traditional Waxed Paracord
I build my Bull Whips with a 9” handle if you want a longer handle, please let me know.
The 8 foot model has about 12oz steel shot loaded core.
I can end the whip in a twisted falls, or tapered falls, or English eye your choice
I build these whips with braided layers that line up in the same plane to the whip is highly accurate and allows precision roll and volley/plane control. The whip is soaked in a paraffin wax this helps the whip last. It will darken the paracord colors but keeps fraying down over time.
Message me about the colors you wish to have.
Solid Colors in stock:
Black, Dark Green, Midnight Blue, Royal Blue, Colonial Blue, Red, Burgundy, Goldenrod, Hot Pink, Fluorescent Yellow, Fluorescent Pink, Fluorescent Orange, Tan, White
Patterned Paracords:
Rattlesnake, American Flag (Red White & Blue)
I will make a pattern of your liking, with colors of your choice, bolstered or unbolstered as you prefer.
Traditional falls hitch, or tapered twisted falls zero point hitch available.