Danger Noodle Nylon Falls - Half Twist Eye and a hidden english eye inside.
Danger Noodle Falls, 16" to the hidden eye.
If you want to use traditional crackers or if you like the snake whip or bull whip falls look or want an actual falls on your whip this falls is specifically designed for my Danger Noodle line of whips. the falls is a doubled 4mm cord with a flat half twist loop for quick and easy installation into any of my danger noodle whips.
The hidden english eye allows for secure cracker attachment quickly and efficiently.
The over sheath protects wear on the english eye if the falls breaks the sound barrier helping with longevity.
the cracker attachment point is smooth and padded by the sheath reducing the risk of injury risk that a traditional cracker tie point represents. (almost everyone ends up whacking themselves learning something new with whips, this has helped me, just saying.)
The end of the falls is knot free and has a light fabric adhesive locking the fibers reducing fraying of the falls. this reduces any scratches or cuts during practice should help improve safety over other methods of cracker installation.
as always please employ eye protection when throwing any whip.